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Building a Nail Salon Brand – Where to Start?

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17 November, 2023

The era we are living in today is the era of “start-ups”. Around the world, there are thousands of start-ups born with the desire to bring value to modern society. In the nail industry, brand promotion has become essential to turning start-up dreams into reality. In this article, T-Spa will help you by giving suggestions on building a nail salon brand.

What is a brand?

A brand is an abstract concept and not just a logo or a few advertising campaigns. Building a brand is creating a positive or negative feeling for customers when they think of your brand. It includes many factors and a successful brand development process cannot be completed in a day or two.

To develop brand value, a consistent and persistent process is required. Effective brand building requires not only focus and perseverance but also knowledge and experience to make strategic decisions and implement appropriate brand promotion campaigns.

In addition, to develop brand value, focus on factors such as identifying the direction and core values of the brand, creating a great customer experience, building a good relationship with customers, and building a reliable and quality brand image.

Is brand building strategy necessary?

The question here is “Do you need a brand-building strategy?” and the answer is “Yes”.

Building a nail salon brand strategy includes using marketing strategies and plans to enhance customer awareness of the brand. The goal of a business is to create differentiation and uniqueness for their brand compared to competing rivals in the market.

In the age where technology is dominating, young start-ups will undoubtedly need brand building campaigns such as improving the customer experience through online platforms (website, building websites), SEO-content marketing, social marketing (marketing on social media platforms), etc.

Recommended steps to build a brand that you can refer to

Here are T-Spa’s suggestions for the steps of building a Nail Salon brand, specifically your Nail Salon.

Identify the customer file

For a successful brand, the mainstay is the support of significant customers – the target customer groups that the business will invest the most in to maintain and expand development.

Clearly, your brand cannot serve all customers in a fragmented market with many different target groups. Money and resources are also not enough to meet the needs of everyone.

Therefore, smart businesses often focus on niche markets, narrowing the scope of the target audience, listing all their characteristics, and conveying appropriate messages to this audience.

In simpler terms, “know yourself, know your enemy, a hundred battles, a hundred victories”. If you open a Nail Salon, you need to understand how your salon specializes in serving which target customers, what nail preferences of which customers will fit your salon, what age range of customers will like to come to your salon,…to be able to focus on developing thanks to those customer files, instead of satisfying everyone – which is the hardest thing to do in this world.

Building a Nail Salon Brand
Identifying your salon’s target customers will help you develop your Nail Salon

If you can grasp this, your next step is to serve customers in the best way and promote well to increase awareness, thereby developing your salon.

Build a logo, shape the brand

We may not know English, but looking at the “bitten apple” logo, many people think of iPhone, think of Apple. So it can be seen that the logo is extremely important in building a brand.

The logo is a distinctive symbol used to identify a business’s brand, and for the beauty industry, the logo of a nail salon is also an important factor in attracting customers. An attractive logo will help your salon stand out and create a good impression on customers. In addition, owning a logo and banner also helps your nail salon look more professional and reliable. Therefore, investing in logo and banner design is essential to enhance the brand value of the nail salon.

Among thousands of nail salons, just seeing your logo and knowing it’s you is a success.

Build a style for the Nail Salon

The design of the space of the salon is also an important factor in promoting the nail salon. The salon is where customers can experience the services and products of the salon. Therefore, the style of the nail salon is one of the important factors to attract and retain customers.

In the crowded nail salon market today, building a style for the nail salon brand is an important factor in attracting customers. This is similar to building a personal brand for each person. Decorating the nail salon with appropriate highlights will help attract the attention of customers.

For example, you can create a common style with the same color tone for the salon entrance. Do you want modern, fashionable or gentle and delicate, all can be expressed through colors. Customers will feel comfortable and sophisticated, feeling the professional working style of the nail salon from the first visit. This will help the nail salon make a good impression on customers from the beginning.

Decorating the salon not only has an initial effect but also must be maintained and developed over time to create long-term brand value for the salon.

For more information, contact us at:


Phone: 888-508-8772 | 832-230-4294


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