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Nail tools from basic to professional for you

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26 March, 2024

Nail tools from basic to professional for you

As a career in the beauty industry, the nail industry is constantly innovating and developing. In order to keep up with the latest trends and meet the needs of customers, nail technicians need to constantly update their knowledge and skills. However, not only is updating trends important, but investing in nail tools and materials also plays an important role in meeting customers’ nail needs.

Basic nail tools for beginners

To perform nail work, newcomers to the profession need to have knowledge of basic tools and equipment. This helps them ensure that they purchase the necessary tools without wasting financial resources. Identifying the basic tools will help newcomers to the profession practice effectively and achieve the best results.

In the beauty industry, tools are indispensable. For beginners, it is necessary to prepare full nail hygiene tools such as cuticle nippers, nail clippers, nail files, cuticle pushers, nail soaks, soft skin creams… Nail hygiene is the first important step to creating clean and beautiful nails.

Forming tools

Forming tools for nails are also essential for both professional and amateur nail technicians. These tools include nail files and square sanders, which help create more even and beautiful nails.

Nail polish

Nail polish is a part of nail work. However, not all types of paint are the same. Choose reputable paint brands to ensure beautiful and long-lasting colors.

Nail brush

Nail brushes are one of the basic tools in the nail industry, including detailed brushes, square head brushes, angled head brushes, dotting brushes, basic brushes… These are tools that help you decorate nails according to your own ideas.

In addition, you can add some other tools such as gel polish machine, silver paper, cotton, tape, mask, gloves, foam, spa towels, nail tool boxes… to better serve customers.

T-Spa – modern pedicure chair supplier

Tools in the nail industry play an extremely important role and are indispensable, bringing customers the best services. However, to succeed in running a nail salon, not only do you need to ensure full customer care tools and equipment, but also pay attention to interior design and nail salon space to create a special impression.

Furniture in the nail salon such as manicure chair, pedicure chair, massage chair or nail cabinet, parts,… to best support business operations are essential to set up a complete nail salon. With 12 years of experience in the nail furniture industry, we, T-Spa – confidently bring you the best and most satisfying experience.

Nail tools

Diverse designs, impressive designs, and elegant colors are the criteria you can find when choosing T-Spa. In addition, there are many attractive programs, incentives, and great customer appreciation programs to help you save costs. Contact T-Spa now to not miss out on the exciting things!

For more information, contact us at:


Phone: 888-508-8772 | 832-230-4294


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